Inschrijven voor de reservelijst. Ik werk altijd vanuit thuis, dus voor mij is het mogelijk om me in te schrijven op de reservelijst.Vanmorgen om 8.30 naar de site gegaan, en dan kom je in de queue (de wachtrij...). Nog 78.000...
Sony Mavica
As a photography entousiast, I aquired a Sony Mavica MVC-FD7 last year. What the heck is a Sony Mavica you might ask?Mavica (Magnetic Video Camera) was a brand of Sony cameras which used removable disks as the main recording medium. Mine is a MVC-FD7...
CVO De Verdieping
Corona en studiowerk voor fotografie. Het zit er nog niet in.Toch maar besloten om de een online opleiding te volgen. Het is WordPress geworden. Wil je weten wat er nog kan bij De Verdieping? Bezoek CVO De Verdieping Mijn ervaringen:...
VidHD card
As you might have noticed, I'm into my new old Apple IIe computer lately. Together with the Apple IIe I bought a monochrome Apple monitor. And although it’s working fine, and’s it needed to complete the set, I will not...
Webservice to Business Central – Challenge
Offering business central webservices to the world is made easy in this ERP system. Offering fast, reliable webservices is somewhat more challenging.When you first start with webservices, and a customer ask the question: 'I have and android app with which...
30+ year programming experience, and still…
Creating a programming error still is simple, and AI isn't helping me yet. I develop software for Microsoft Business Central, in a programming language called C/AL (and in de current version this is changed to AL). Today in a hurry,...
Business Central Error
We are trying to deploy a mega app to Business Central 16 (spring 2020) and get an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll. With some help of the mibuso forum and the poster of...
As I described earlier, 2 keys on the keyboard of my new Apple IIe computer do not work. I ordered some second hand replacements on Ebay. They come from Stephen Buggie, a Professor Emeritus at the university of New Mexico....